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Cookies & Data Collection FAQs MoneyHub Australia

Cookies & Data Collection FAQs

Updated 1 July 2023

Why do we use cookies?

There is a list below of all the cookies used by In general, these fall into four groups.

  • Critical: These cookies are necessary to enable you to use our Site and without these cookies, our Site won’t work properly and you may not be able to use our tools.
  • User interactions and analytics: These help us see which articles, tools and deals are of most interest to you.This helps us to create more content that users might want to see. Information is all collected anonymously – we don’t know which people have done what.

Important: ​Any cookies which are not used to make your experience of getting to and using the website better only provide us with statistics about the way users in general navigate the Site. We do not use any information derived from cookies to identify any individual users.

Full list of cookies we use – Site and social media analytics

​Google Analytics

  • We use ​Google Analytics to understand how the Site is being used and accessed in order to improve the user experience – user data is all anonymous.
  • Google stores the information collected by the cookies on servers in the United States. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. 
  • Any information generated by these cookies will be used in our accordance with our Privacy Policy, this Cookies Policy and Google’s privacy policy and cookie policy.

Clicky Analytics

  • We use this to understand how the Site is being used in order to improve the user experience. User data is all anonymous.


  • Facebook uses cookies when you share content from our Site on Facebook.
  • We also use Facebook Analytics to understand how our Facebook page and Site are being used and to optimise Facebook user activities based on users interacting with our Facebook content.
  • User data is all anonymous. Any information generated by these cookies will be used in our accordance with our Privacy Policy, this Cookies Policy, and Facebook’s privacy policy and cookie policy.


  • Twitter use cookies when you share content from our Site on Twitter.


  • Whatsapp use cookies when you share content from our Site on Whatsapp

How to stop or delete these cookies

  1. To stop cookies from being stored on your computer in the future, you’ll need to alter the settings of your internet browser. You can find instructions on how to do this either through click ‘Help’ in the menu bar, or by following these browser-by-browser instructions from
  2. For Google Analytics cookies you can also stop Google from collecting your information by downloading and installing the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.
  3. If you want to delete any cookies that are already on your computer, you’ll need to locate the file or directory that your computer stores them in – this how to delete cookies information should help.

Questions? Contact us

If you have any queries relating to our use of your personal information or any other related data protection questions, please contact us.